Protection des données

Biocodex » Protection des données

1- preambule

These General Terms of Use (hereafter referred to as « GTU ») are designed to determine the guidelines for provision and use of the content and services of the web site (hereafter referred to as the « Website ») between the Website publisher – the company BIOCODEX SAS (hereafter referred to as « Biocodex ») and the internet user (hereafter referred to as the « User »).

Access to the Website and its content, as well as the use of the services offered by the Website, implies that the User accepts these GTU without exception. Since the GTU can be modified at any time and without prior notice, the User is invited to consult them regularly.

2- Legal information

Website publisher

22 rue des aqueducs

Contact Biocodex

Publishing Director: Mr. Jean-Marie Lefevre, Chairman and CEO.

Biocodex is a simplified joint stock company under French law with a share capital of €4,284,000, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under No. 562 064 600 R.C.S. Créteil, with its registered office at 22 rue des Aqueducs – 94250 Gentilly – France, represented by Mr Jean-Marie Lefèvre, duly authorised in his capacity as Chairman and CEO.

Intracommunity VAT no.: FR35562064600.

Website hosting

227 Bureaux de la colline
1 rue Royale – Bât. D

3- Purpose of the website and access to services

The purpose of the Site is to provide general information on the organization, activity and products of BIOCODEX.

It has been designed and produced in compliance with the Public Health Code. As such, the information relating to the medicines mentioned has no advertising value and is not the subject of any particular recommendation by BIOCODEX as to their use.

It has been designed and produced in compliance with the Public Health Code. As such, the information relating to the medicines mentioned has no advertising value and is not the subject of any particular recommendation by BIOCODEX as to their use. Important notice: The information provided on this institutional website is not a substitute for medical advice. We strongly recommend that you consult a doctor or pharmacist before using any of our medicines. Otherwise, Biocodex declines all responsibility for the use made of it. For the correct use of the medicinal product and in order to prevent risks related to its purchase on the Internet, we invite you to read the ANSM warning available on the website

The Website is accessible anywhere and to any User with an internet connection. All the expenses involved in accessing the Website (computer hardware, software, internet connection, etc.) are the responsibility of the User.

Biocodex uses all the tools at its disposal to ensure high-quality access to the Website and to its services. However, this is an obligation of means and not of result: the User thus agrees not to claim any compensation from Biocodex and their suppliers, in the event that the Website is not available at the time when the User wishes to access it.

Access to the Website and its services can, at any time and without prior notice, be interrupted, suspended or changed, for maintenance purposes or for any other reason.

Biocodex shall not be liable for damages resulting from interference, interruptions, computer viruses, malfunctions or disconnections of the terminal that could temporarily prevent the User’s access or navigation.

The User can contact Biocodex using the contact form made available.

4- Responsabilities

Biocodex endeavors to provide quality, verified information. However, information sources cannot be completely guaranteed.

Any « outbound » links present on the Website enable the User to access information and other complementary resources available on the internet, or to share information on social networks. Biocodex has no means of controlling the content of these completely independent third-party sites and, as such, cannot be held responsible for the consequences of accessing these third-party sites and their content.

5- Intellectual Property

The Website, as well as all the elements which comprise it (such as brands, logos, text, photographs, databases, etc.) are the exclusive property of Biocodex or its suppliers, and are protected by the Intellectual Property Code.

The User agrees to use the content of the Website in a strictly private context. Any partial or complete reproduction of the Website or of one of its parts, on any medium or format, for any other purposes and particularly for commercial purposes, without written authorization from Biocodex, is prohibited.

6- Data protection

The User may freely browse the Website without explicitly providing any personal information. Nevertheless, he may be required to provide data concerning him, for example by using the contact form on the Website. In addition, the Site uses « cookies », which may send data about the User to third parties.

To understand how personal data on the Website is processed, the User must carefully read the Data Protection Policy and the Cookie Policy bellow.

The use of the Website implies, in fact, that the User has read and understood these documents and that he/she has undertaken to consult them regularly.

7- Applicable law and comptent jurisdiction

The GTU are governed by French law. Any conflict or divergence of interpretation will be subject to the jurisdiction of the French courts.